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Habitat Second Hand Art Show / Fundraiser

October 11 - October 14

Reception | Sunday, October 13 | 4 - 6 pm

Gallery Hours | Fri - Sat - Sun - Mon | 11 am - 5 pm


Habitat Second Hand Art Show!

Island Artists donate their work for this fundraiser. Proceeds from the sales go to Habitat for Humanities of Martha's Vineyard. A wonderful way to see and buy great art and support this important organization.



Artists Yard Sale

Monday, October 14

10 am - 3 pm | No Rain date


Calling all island artists to participate in the Artists Yard Sale. Here is a great opportunity for artists to sell their craft and art supplies and tools that aren't needed anymore, and spend a few hours with fellow artists. The Yard Sale is held on the final day of the Habitat Fundraiser, in the same location, so visitors will have two events to enjoy together.


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